Wild Garlic Salt

Wild Garlic really is a foraging superfood with so many applications, it's really easy to lose count! This recipe is a super-quick and super-easy way of infusing salt with the wonderful flavour of wild garlic so you can enjoy it all year round. All you need is some wild garlic and some salt!

Wild Garlic-infused salt is a lovely green hue and is very fragrant.


Prep Time: 10 mins

Cooking Time: 1-2 Hours

Quantity: Makes 800g of salt

  • 100g of Wild Garlic leaves
  • 800g of Rock Salt


  1. Wash and drain the Wild Garlic leaves.
  2. Add them to food processor with 100g of the Salt and blitz into a paste.
  3. Put the remaining 700g of Salt to a large bowl and add the blitzed Wild Garlic-Salt paste on top, mixing it all together until all of the salt crustals are green.
  4. Spread the combined Salt on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at the lowest setting possible for 1-2 hours to dry the salt. Open the door of the oven at regular intervals to prevent overheating. Alternatively, you can dry the salt in an electic dehydrator.
  5. Once dried, transfer the Wild Garlic Salt to a sterilised jar, seal store in a cool, dark place for up to 12 months.

Tip: If you prefer your salt to be a more vivid green, use a larger quantity of wild garlic in the recipe.

Mix it up ...

Many other wild herbs flavours can be infused into salt, such as Wild Thyme, Mugwort, Nettle and Ground Ivy. Why not experiement with a flavour you like?